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The Canadian economy is a worthwhile Canadian initiative
Contrary to some recent claims, the Canadian economy is not falling apart, and now I have a Bloomberg column on that point.  Excerpt: A c...
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What are the exact elasticity assumptions behind the terms of trade argument [for tariffs]?
“The terms of trade argument for protectionism relies on specific assumptions about the elasticities of demand and supply for a country’s ex...
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The Irish reject a “Woke” constitutional change
Ireland’s effort to remove old-fashioned family values from its constitution suffered a double defeat Saturday as voters rejected the amend...
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As it should be
The next time you send your doctor an email, don’t be surprised if they charge you a fee to answer. More healthcare groups are charging fe...
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My excellent Conversation with Marc Rowan
Here is the video, audio, and transcript, taped in his Apollo office in NYC.  Here is the episode summary: Marc Rowan, co-founder and CEO ...
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Which nations have cultural inferiority complexes?
Here is the link , via the wisdom of Garett Jones .  And OK, which nations have the cultural inferiority complexes?  The ones that rate the...
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What I’ve been reading
1. Abigail Shrier, Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up .  I agree with many of the anti-therapy arguments in this book, but still I ...
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What Ireland and Scotland are doing to their housing markets
From Kieran Lucid and Polysee : The post What Ireland and Scotland are doing to their housing markets appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTI...
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*Dune 2*
From the get go it is far too self-consciously portentious, with nary a bit of humor to lighten it up.  It feels more like an adaptation of ...
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Approaching Human-Level Forecasting with Language Models
Forecasting future events is important for policy and decision making. In this work, we study whether language models (LMs) can forecast at...
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GPT as ethical advisor
This study investigates the efficacy of an AI-based ethical advisor using the GPT-4 model. Drawing from a pool of ethical dilemmas publishe...
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19th century British economic thought (another outline for my class)
Mongo 28 February 2024
1760-1830, typically considered peak of Industrial Revolution Malthus, first decade of the 19 th century Ricardo’s Principles, 1817 Theo...
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I am tired of making this point
Mongo 19 February 2024
Both rightists and leftists assume that the U.S. spends far lower to combat social problems (poverty, healthcare, education) than peer nati...
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Is some deterrence being restored?
Mongo 19 February 2024
Iran, eager to disrupt U.S. and Israeli interests in the Middle East but wary of provoking a direct confrontation, is privately urging He...
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What I’ve been listening to
Mongo 12 February 2024
The post What I’ve been listening to appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION .
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Why I don’t like Fischer Random 960
Mongo 12 February 2024
As you may know, a major tournament is going on right now, based on a variant of Fischer Random rules, sometimes misleadingly called “Free...
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My notes/outline on the rise of Scottish economic thought
Mongo 09 February 2024
1650s, wars with England, invasions, Cromwell repels the Scots 1690s – Darien Scheme in Panama, Scots more generally grow interested in emp...
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From the beginning, “neoliberalism” was an obnoxious term
It was meant as an insult, implying that Mises – a marginalist – was trying to salvage 19th century liberal economics from the collectivist...
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An important new paper on the costs of climate change
Forthcoming in ReStud , I haven’t had the chance to read it yet: To analyze climate change mitigation strategies, economists rely on simpl...
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What are the actual dangers of advanced AI?
That is the focus of my latest Bloomberg column , 2x the normal length.  I cannot cover all the points, but here is one excerpt: The large...
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