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Introducing Udio, an app for music creation and sharing that allows you to generate amazing music in your favorite styles with intuitive an...
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350+ coauthors study reproducibility in economics
Jon Hartley is one I know, here is the abstract: This study pushes our understanding of research reliability by reproducing and replicati...
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Can you guess who wrote this passage?
We often hear today that Wokeism and Political Correctness are gradually receding.  Contrary to this opinion, I think that this phenomenon ...
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Sunday assorted links
1. Can the Left be happy? (Ross D. in the NYT) 2. Explosive growth from AI automation?   (This paper is economically literature, and uses ...
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When does provenance justify a consumption experience?
Konstantin emails me a question: Hey Tyler! You said you tried coffee just once, at a coffee ceremony in an Ethiopian village, as coffee p...
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A simple model of AI and social media
One MR reader, Luca Piron, writes to me:  I found myself puzzled by a thought you expressed during your interview with Professor Haidt. I...
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Your Subsidies are Undercutting My Subsidies!
NYTimes : Treasury officials say that they fear that elevated Chinese production targets are causing its firms to produce far more electric...
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What should I ask Joe Stiglitz?
I will be having a Conversation with him, and please note this is the conversation I want to have, not the one you want me to have.  So what...
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Lockean homesteading for goats, bonus added
The mayor of an Italian island is attempting to solve an animal overpopulation problem with an unusual offer: free goats for anyone who can...
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Michael C. Jensen, RIP
Not only was he a major figure in both financial economics and industrial organization, but he did things too: First, early on Mike decide...
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My contentious Conversation with Jonathan Haidt
Here is the transcript, audio, and video .  Here is the episode summary: But might technological advances and good old human resilience all...
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Cuba Libre
Martin Gurri has a very good, deep-dive on the current situation in Cuba . The wreckage of the Cuban economy really can’t be exaggerated. ...
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New Econ Journal Watch edition
Volume 21, Issue 1, March 2024 In Memoriam  (.pdf) In this issue: Executive diversity and firm performance : Beginning in 2015, McKins...
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*Accelerating India’s Development*
The author is Karthik Muralidharan , and the subtitle is A State-Led Roapmap for Effective Governance.  If you imagine a 600 pp. “state capa...
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Should whales have the status of legal persons?
Indigenous leaders of New Zealand, Tahiti and the Cook Islands signed a historic treaty that recognizes whales as legal persons in a move c...
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My avant-garde music playlist for Rick Rubin
At Rick’s new site, .  You will find many goodies there, Iggy Pop has a playlist there too.  Just scroll through, podcasts...
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The Candidates tournament
  I agree Caruana is the clear favorite, but at these odds he seems slightly overvalued and Nepo undervalued?  Keep in mind the margins of...
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What I’ve been watching
1.” In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon ,” a two-part special on MGM+ .  It’s time to admit that either he or Bob Dylan is the great...
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Rules for Tri-State Italian food
Piers emails me: You’re a NJ native and great at finding good restaurants. So what are the rules for finding good  old school  American I...
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Will strong AI raise or lower interest rates?
That is the topic of my latest Bloomberg column .  Here is one excerpt: First, as a matter of practice, if there is a true AI boom, or the...
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