We often hear today that Wokeism and Political Correctness are gradually receding. Contrary to this opinion, I think that this phenomenon is gradually being “normalized,” widely accepted even by those who intimately doubt it, and practiced by the majority of academic and state institutions. This is why it deserves more than ever our criticism — together with its opposite, the obscenity of new populism and religious fundamentalism. In Cancel Culture at its worst, your public life can be destroyed for reasons that are not even clear in advance. This is what makes Cancel Culture so threatening: something very particular that you did (or are) can be unexpectedly elevated into the universal status of an unforgivable mistake, so that every particular case is never just a neutral case of universality but gives its own spin to a fuzzy universality.
No, it is not Bari Weiss, not Naveen or even Community Notes. Please try to guess first, but if you must you can peek here.
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