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*The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America*
By Coleman Hughes, coming soon ! The post *The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America* appeared first on Marginal REVOL...
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Boosting fertility by subsidizing child-bearing for *young* women
From Vidya Mahambare : Several countries have grappled with a longstanding dilemma – how to reverse the trend of falling fertility rates. ...
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What I’ve been reading
1. Hannah Ritchie, Not the End of the World: How We Can be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet .  An excellent book with soun...
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Open AI will partner with Arizona State University
OpenAI on Thursday announced its first partnership with a higher education institution. Starting in February, Arizona State University wil...
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How is AI education going to work?
That is the topic of my latest Bloomberg column .  Here is the first part of the argument: Two kinds of AI-driven education are likely to ...
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How sticky are wages in nominal terms?
There is a new paper on this topic, with what seems to be very good data: This paper examines the relationship between downward nominal wa...
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Is real estate in Roatan undervalued?
By a lot.  I was briefly on the island, and also visited Próspera  there (I thank my hosts for their time and efforts, and I believe Vitalia...
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Prompts for economists
This page contains example prompts and responses intended to showcase how  g enerative AI , namely  LLMs  like  GPT-4 , can benefit economi...
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Argentina fact of the day
The country was not quite as rich in the early days as it is sometimes made out to be: Argentina’s performance on this measure is frequent...
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Economic ornithology
But a hundred years ago, birds were seen as the best remedy for the weeds and insect pests that threatened the country’s food supply and co...
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Department of Uh-Oh, economic research edition
We assess statistical power and excess statistical significance among 31 leading economics general interest and field journals using 22,281...
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Emergent Ventures, 31st cohort
Clayton Haight , Waterloo, robotics and accelerating progress in hardware. Hemanth Surya Ganesh , freshman at Dickinson College, also India...
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Stranded Technologies podcast
With Niklas Anzinger of Próspera , partly about GOAT, partly about SEZs and charter cities. The post Stranded Technologies podcast appeare...
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What if you have a favorable AS shift and a negative AD shift?
The negative AD shift comes from the Fed’s extreme tightening plus the phasing out of fiscal stimulus.  That might hurt housing markets the ...
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Why Britain’s economy is failing
In the past five years, the number of applications to connect to the electricity grid — many of them for solar energy generation and storag...
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The rate of return on exercise
These are illustrative numbers, not definitive estimates: Let’s make some base-case assumptions. The most important assumptions are: A ...
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Are cities for tourists or residents?
And at what margin? A new ideological struggle is brewing, yet we have not yet recognized it as such.  The question is to what extent citie...
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Cultural Values and Productivity
By Andras Ek, forthcoming in the Journal of Political Economy : This paper estimates differences in human capital as country-of-origin-spe...
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What I’ve been reading
1. Steve Kaczynski and Scott Duke Kominers, The Everything Token: How NFTs and Web3 Will Transform the Way We Buy, Sell, and Create .  Could...
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Is Tom Cruise actor GOAT?
Yes says I, and here is Wikipedia for reference .  Adam Ozimek (from my email) agrees: Rewatching Oblivion tonight and it really holds up....
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