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SNL Wrecks Christian Grifter Trump For Easter
Mongo 31 March 2024
SNL took apart Trump’s Bible-selling grift and pander to Christianity just in time for Easter. SNL Trump said: It’s Easter, the time of y...
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What I’ve been watching
1.” In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon ,” a two-part special on MGM+ .  It’s time to admit that either he or Bob Dylan is the great...
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Rules for Tri-State Italian food
Piers emails me: You’re a NJ native and great at finding good restaurants. So what are the rules for finding good  old school  American I...
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Trump Needs A Visit From The Secret Service After Posting Image Threatening Biden
Mongo 30 March 2024
Trump is endorsing and encouraging physical threats against President Biden with Truth Social reposts. Trump posted a video that contained...
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Trump Needs A Visit From The Secret Service After Posting Image Threatening Biden
Mongo 30 March 2024
Trump is endorsing and encouraging physical threats against President Biden with Truth Social reposts. Trump posted a video that contained...
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Will strong AI raise or lower interest rates?
That is the topic of my latest Bloomberg column .  Here is one excerpt: First, as a matter of practice, if there is a true AI boom, or the...
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Biden Confirms That Dark Brandon Is Real At Fundraiser With Clinton And Obama
Mongo 29 March 2024
President Biden confirmed that Dark Brandon is real during a fundraiser with former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Video: LOL...
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