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Argentina projection of the day
Mongo 05 December 2023
Milei’s November election win — on a pledge to rapidly overhaul Argentina’s dysfunctional economy — has triggered a burst of market exubera...
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Trading on terror
Mongo 05 December 2023
Recent scholarship shows that informed traders increasingly disguise trades in economically linked securities such as exchange-traded funds...
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The Media Is Finally Starting To Talk About Trump’s Age
Mongo 05 December 2023
On CNN, Jake Tapper and ABC’s Jon Karl discussed how Donald Trump is showing his age, and not as vigorous as he used to be. Tapper said, “T...
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Don’t Let the FDA Regulate Lab Tests!
Mongo 04 December 2023
I have been warning about the FDA’s power grab over lab developed tests. Lab developed tests have never been FDA regulated except briefly du...
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The key to business success...
"On today's episode of the podcast, I'm sharing an interview that I recently did with Masters of Scale: Rapid Response. The hos...
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Mexico-China-gravity fact of the day
Mongo 04 December 2023
Imports from Mexico now surpass imports from China. They said it couldn't be done. It won't happen. It can happen. It is happenin...
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What I’ve been reading
Mongo 04 December 2023
1. Isabel Kershner, The Land of Hope and Fear: Israel’s Battle for its Inner Soul .  An interesting look at Israeli society on the eve of th...
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