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A simple model of AI and social media
One MR reader, Luca Piron, writes to me:  I found myself puzzled by a thought you expressed during your interview with Professor Haidt. I...
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How To Build A Successful Brand in the Digital Age
On today's episode of the podcast I am sharing a 4Ds I had a while back. The biggest companies in the world focus on brand. Not sales. A...
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Your Subsidies are Undercutting My Subsidies!
NYTimes : Treasury officials say that they fear that elevated Chinese production targets are causing its firms to produce far more electric...
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To Live Long and Prosper, Do What George Takei Does
Mongo 06 April 2024
For the “Star Trek” actor and author of the new children’s book “My Lost Freedom,” it’s all about green tea and antioxidants. “I drink it ev...
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What should I ask Joe Stiglitz?
I will be having a Conversation with him, and please note this is the conversation I want to have, not the one you want me to have.  So what...
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Lockean homesteading for goats, bonus added
The mayor of an Italian island is attempting to solve an animal overpopulation problem with an unusual offer: free goats for anyone who can...
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Michael C. Jensen, RIP
Not only was he a major figure in both financial economics and industrial organization, but he did things too: First, early on Mike decide...
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