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Tyler and Alex on Gift Giving
Mongo 17 December 2023
December? It must be time for the holiday favorite that everyone loves, the sweet and wise An Economist’s Christmas! Effective altruism ha...
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The Best Way To Stand Out In 2024 | Behind The Scenes With Wallo267
Over the past 10 years, a lot has changed in the world ESPECIALLY in the world of entrepreneurship and business. 15 years ago people thought...
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Do I want the Wizards and Capitols to move to Virginia?
Mongo 17 December 2023
No, in short.  To be clear, I don’t have any personal NIMBY stake in this, as the new site in Alexandria is about as far away from my home a...
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What I’ve been reading
Mongo 17 December 2023
Rob Henderson, Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class .  Yes, that is the Rob Henderson of Twitter and Substack.  He wa...
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What ‘Pocahontas’ Tells Us About Disney, for Better and Worse
Mongo 16 December 2023
The animated tale was both controversial and an Oscar-winning box office hit. It’s also one of the rare films from that era that the company...
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The #1 Reason Most People Don't Grow On Social Media
Many of these social media platforms are more than meets the eye. There is a science to each platform and you have to treat them each differ...
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The Piketty-Saez-Zucman response to Auten and Splinter
Mongo 16 December 2023
A number of you have asked me what I think of their response .  The first thing I noticed is that Auten and Splinter make several major cri...
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