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An Arrest Warrant Has Been Issued In Georgia For Donald Trump

Fani Willis said that an arrest warrant has been issued for Donald Trump and the other RICO co-conspirators in Georgia and they have until Friday the 25th to voluntarily turn themselves in.


Willis said at a press conference, “Subsequent to the indictment as is the normal process in Georgia law, the grand jury issued arrest warrants for those who are charged. I am giving the defendants the opportunity to voluntarily surrender no later than noon on Friday the 25th day of August, 2023.”

Trump now has a warrant out for his arrest. So does Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, and the rest of Trump’s criminal gang who tried to illegally seize the presidency.

Donald Trump thought that he was above the law. It was Rudy Giuliani’s idea to say that the election was stolen on election night. John Eastman and other lawyers devised the scheme, and Mark Meadows helped to carry it out from the White House.

No matter how the case ends up, Donald Trump has been devastated by this process already.

If you listen closely, you can hear the chants of lock him up ringing from sea to shining sea.
