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Mike Johnson’s Wife Kelly Believes God Made Her Husband Speaker ‘It Was Biblical’

Speaker Mike Johnson with his wife Kelly

Get this. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who is weaponizing the U.S. House of Representatives against President Biden’s child Hunter, thinks it’s totally unfair for anyone to even talk about his wife and she thinks God made him Speaker.

After it was revealed that Speaker Mike Johnson’s wife Kelly Johnson ran a so-called Christian counseling services affiliated with the Cypress Baptist Church in Benton, Louisiana, which did “temperament therapy” and compares gay people to beastiality and believes sex out of wedlock “offends God,” former professional liar Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany had the Johnson’s on Fox to commiserate about just how horrible the “attacks” on her are.

Watch here (my bold):

Q: But Kelly, they’ve also come after you personally attacked you. You’re a Christian counselor, a woman of God attacked your profession. What’s your response to that?

Kelly Johnson: Well, you know, I used to be a school teacher and I love that, but I just felt burdened for so many people, and I felt the calling to go back to school to become a Christian counselor. And it’s because I love people when I want to be able to help them through their times of struggle and suffering. And I love what I do. Absolutely love it.

Mike Johnson: As a husband, you know, I’ll take any arrows. That’s fine. But Don’t talk about my wife, for goodness sake. She’s the kindest, sweetest person in the world and anybody they interview, anywhere, at any stage of her life will tell you about this lady right here.

Q: Oh, I love that. And how are your kids dealing with it all?

Kelly Johnson: They’re doing pretty well. Um, I think they’re also still in shock cause it’s still so new. But, um, they’re proud of their dad and, and they’re excited. They’re excited for what’s ahead. Do you believe your husband is here in this role, um, for such a time as this, at this particular moment for a reason?

I do. I do. I believe that God has placed him here. That’s biblical. The Bible says he raises up leaders and he, he brings them down, right? So he, so I believe that God has him here for just this time.

Using that Michelle Duggar voice that whisper-screams “I am not a threat! I can be silenced at any moment!” to insecure men the country wide, Kelly explains how she felt the “calling” to go back to school to become a Christian counselor, although it’s not clear if she will continue “counseling” people to hate themselves and pushing to deny girls and women the right to live (Kelly is an adviser to the Louisiana misnamed “Right for Life”).

Kelly’s counseling website became “inaccessible” last week, not long after Mike was chosen by Satan (insert your own beliefs here, none of this is legitimate under the Constitution) to bankrupt the country, shut down the government (Putin is so pleased, praise God!) and bring down global democracy for “God.” It now says it’s not connected to a domain yet. I guess God didn’t think she should be teaching people to hate themselves, after all.

These “offerings” are presented or imposed upon vulnerable people “outside of more traditional state-licensed settings so that counselors and clients can be fully engaged through their faith,” according to Business Insider.

In other words, none of this is legitimate, knowledge-based counseling or even a mixture of counseling with a Biblical bent. Kelly’s counseling beliefs are based on a couple who cited an anti-semite and anti-Catholic Tim LaHaye. That doesn’t mean she’s either of those things, but the basis for the counseling is not… “uplifted” beliefs.

These are small-minded, power-grabbing and judgemental beliefs — which is to say, the opposite of high-minded religious teachings that call on people to be their best selves, be kind to their neighbors and uplift social justice.

Apparently, the Johnsons’ God is cool with attacking the President’s son while he recovers from a drug addiction and deep grief over losing his best friend and brother for something that the DOJ is already prosecuting him over. I have to admit, this doesn’t strike me as very Christian.

But lest you get the idea that Mike Johnson is another right-wing hypocrite using God to hide his grift for the wealthy, let me set you straight (pardon the pun). Mike Johnson is a hypocrite, but not for these reasons. Mike Johnson is that breed that is most easily manipulated: Mike Johnson is a true believer in his own divine superiority. These are the types the Republican Party uses and abuses until they’re washed up and end up sent home to Alaska to monitor Russia from their backyard.

You might notice that folks who cite God as their power source seem very clear that when they get chosen, it’s God’s will. When others are chosen, it’s a mistake. An error, by God, if you will. God’s failing, perhaps, in not “raising up” the divinely privileged. God apparently has plenty of spare time to manipulate the Speaker election within a party, while no time to spare to help children being attacked in war.

Mike Johnson has long believed the culture war he waged with his legal work is a form of ministry.

“Some people are called to pastoral ministry and others to music ministry, etc. I was called to legal ministry and I’ve been out on the front lines of the ‘culture war’ defending religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and biblical values, including the defense of traditional marriage, and other ideals like these when they’ve been under assault,” Johnson said to the Baptist Message, long before he knew every interview he gave was going to be scrutinized.

But Johnson will never be as scrutinized as someone running for president. The tame temperature of the media asking questions about his and his wife’s beliefs, which they have put out there for years and acted on in a public way, is nothing like the searing hot flame Johnson is putting on the President’s son and the Right have put on the President’s youngest daughter, including stealing her diary to sell to Right wing activist organization (and sometimes criminal operation) Project Veritas.

Johnson wants people to leave his wife alone, but his own choices have shown that he thinks family is decidedly NOT off limits.

Also, it’s a surprise to learn that the Johnsons think God is against democracy to the point that God would choose to come down here to Earth when there were so many other leaders who should be replaced, to interfere in the U.S. Speaker race at the very last minute by pushing as the fourth candidate, Mike Johnson, an architect of January 6th.

This God, the Johnsons’ God, has some explaining to do.
