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Mark Skousen reviews *GOAT*

An excellent review, here is one excerpt:

Oddly enough he leaves out several economists who many consider possible GOATs: From the British school, David Ricardo (Milton Friedman’s favorite); from the Monetarists, Irving Fisher (whom James Tobin ranked “the greatest economist America has produced”); from the Austrians, Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard (which the Mises Institute would consider leaving out unforgiveable); from the Institutionalists, Thorstein Veblen (who Max Lerner called “the most creative American social thought has produced”) and Max Weber (the “one man” that Frank Knight admired); and from the Marxists, Karl Marx (which they would consider his omission a cardinal sin). Cowen tells me he may write a short monograph on Marx (email dated November 22, 2023).

He also excluded the big three of the Marginal Revolution of the 1870s: Carl MengerWilliam Stanley Jevons, and Leon Walras.

Do read the whole thing, and note I may write more on the Marginal Revolution as well, the revolution that is not the blog!

And here is Mark’s daughter, doing a skating back flip on ice.

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