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Jamie Raskin Rips James Comer For Covering Up Evidence Of Trump’s Lawlessness

House Oversight Committee ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said that committee chair Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has used his legislative power to cover up Trump’s lawlessness.

Jamie Raskin Unloads On James Comer

Ranking Member Raskin said in a statement provided to PoliticusUSA:

Chairman Comer says it is ‘beyond parody that Democrats continue their obsession with Donald Trump,’ which is amusing because the masochistic obsession with Donald Trump obviously belongs to Chairman Comer and all the Republicans who have used their legislative power to cover up evidence of Trump’s lawlessness and to serve his demands for personal vengeance. Chairman Comer and his partisans still cannot think of anyone else in their party qualified to be president.

They continue to promote Trump for president (or dictator) even after he was impeached for inciting a violent insurrection against the Constitution, even after he has been found to be a sexual assailant and defamer of his victim and even after it has become clear that he stole classified and top-secret government documents and refused to return them. The moment the Republicans drop Donald Trump, who is a clear and present threat to American constitutional democracy, I will be pleased to never mention his name again in a political context and simply allow the courts and his family to deal with him. Is the Chairman too obsessed to let Trump go?

Meantime, Chairman Comer casually admits that Donald Trump was in business while president of the United States, which is precisely what is unlawful when it involves collection of millions of dollars from foreign governments and monarchs. Joe Biden, for his part has scrupulously adhered to the Foreign Emoluments Clause and the Domestic Emoluments Clause. After a year of his embarrassing wild goose chase, obsessively focused on President Biden’s son, a private citizen who never served in his father’s Administration, Comer cannot identify any wrongdoing by President Biden, let alone a single monetary payment he has received from a foreign government.

Read the report about Trump’s systematic violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause, Mr. Chairman, and if you are serious about fighting corruption, I would invite you to join us in passing legislation to make sure no Commander-in-Chief again flouts the Constitution to sell out American foreign policy for personal profit to Princes, Prime Ministers, Premiers and dictators.

Republicans Are Covering Up Corruption While Chasing Biden Impeachment

There remains zero evidence that President Biden did anything wrong, yet House Republicans led by Rep. Comer are continuing to chase a fact-free impeachment of the President while they turn a blind eye to the volumes of evidence of Trump’s crimes and impeachable offenses.

What House Republicans are doing is worse than abusing their political power to go after a political opponent.

House Republicans are attempting to obstruct investigations into and prosecutions of Donald Trump.

Democrats were unable to get more evidence of foreign payments to Trump because Comer and others stopped forcing his accountants to comply with congressional subpoenas.

House Republicans are obsessed with Trump, and they will do anything to see him back in the White House.

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