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Trump’s Iowa Caucus Victory Shows That The GOP Is In Disarray

Republicans continue to live in a Trump fantasy land where elections that they lost, they think they won, as they supported a candidate in Iowa who faces 91 felony counts and tried to overthrow the government.

The Iowa Caucus was over before Trump supporters arrived at the victory party:

The caucus result was announced so quickly that cable news networks are trying to spin the race for second place between DeSantis and Haley as a newsworthy event that viewers should keep watching:

Iowa is an example of the sort of rural, white, red state voters that are the backbone of Trump’s support in the Republican Party. Iowa is no longer a bellwether that predicts anything. Instead, it is a case study in how far off the rails the Republican Party has gone.

CNN reported on some entrance polling numbers from Iowa:

Roughly half identify themselves as part of the MAGA movement, referring to the “Make America Great Again” slogan popularized by former President Donald Trump in 2016.

And about two-thirds say they do not believe that Biden’s victory over Trump four years ago was legitimate. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Few GOP caucusgoers express concerns about the criminal charges Trump currently faces. Roughly 6 in 10 say that they’d consider Trump fit for the presidency if he were to be convicted of a crime.

The Republican Party is in complete denial of reality. They are a party in disarray that instead of looking at why they keep losing elections, the GOP has retreated from reality and itself around Trump who like the wizard behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz presents an illusion that he tries to sell as reality.

The two US political parties are not on equal footing. President Joe Biden is setting fundraising related records while Trump is burning through his campaign cash to pay for his legal defense.

Republicans are a mess and the message to voters coming out of Iowa should be vote for Republicans at your own peril.

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