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Republicans Show The World That They Are To Blame For Political Violence

Just in case anyone had any doubt where the violent rhetoric and impulses were coming from in American politics, Republicans chanted fight as Trump entered their convention.


Democrats have spent the days since a Republican took a shot at Trump at a rally in Butler, PA calling for the political temperature to be turned down and for more unity in the country.

Republicans responded to these calls by chanting fight as Donald Trump made his entrance at the party convention.

As Lee Greenwood warbled his terrible Proud To Be An American, which is a song that sucked in the 1980s and has somehow managed to suck even more in 2024, Trump was greeted with chants of fight.

Who exactly is Trump supposed to be fighting? The Republicans who seem to want him dead, or the Secret Service for taking away his shoes? Could be his teleprompter for cutting his ear?

We don’t know. Night one of the Republican convention has featured the sort of toxic extremism that those who follow politics expect from Trump’s party.

Those who don’t follow politics were probably wondering if the Teamsters president was lost as he spent a speech rambling about issues that Republicans oppose.

America is getting fresh dose of Trump’s dark vision for them, and they should reject it.

