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*Nuclear War: A Scenario*
By Annie Jacobsen, a very good book.  What would happen if a nuclear weapon actually were launched at the United States?  On the ground?  In...
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Disparities in psychological traits and incomes
There are pronounced racial, ethnic, and gender gaps in income in the U.S. We investigate whether these correspond with differences in comp...
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*Who’s Afraid of Gender?*
That is the title of the new Judith Butler book , focusing mostly on trans issues.  To be clear, on most practical issues concerning trans, ...
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Maurizio Pollini, RIP
The post Maurizio Pollini, RIP appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION .
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*Star Maker*, by Olaf Stapledon
Nnow though it was generally assumed in intellectual circles that the best was yet to be, Bvalltu and his friends were convinced that the c...
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Applying to Emergent Ventures, and how to get Britain moving again
From the TxP Progress Prize : But then Tyler asked us, twice in a row , ‘what is your signature product?’ Being honest, we realised even i...
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How credible is the Milei plan?
Here is a good Substack essay by  Nicolas Cachanosky , excerpt: Inflation expectations depend on what is expected to happen to the budget ...
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Lawyering in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
We conducted the first randomized controlled trial to study the effect of AI assistance on human legal analysis. We randomly assigned law s...
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Is an Economic Growth Explosion Imminent?
On the road, I haven’t had a chance to read this paper yet, but I pass it along as a matter of interest: Theory predicts that global econo...
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China fact of the day
The growth of China’s agricultural subsidies is incredible: now at $300bn per year, according to the OECD. — jo...
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LDS principles for AI
Knowing that the proper use of AI will help the Church accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation, the Church has issued the followi...
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Haiti vs. the Dominican Republic
I am setting aside most of the cultural and “macro” issues, and just considering policy, in my latest Bloomberg column .  Excerpt: Conside...
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Gatekeeping is Apple’s Brand Promise
Steve Sinofsky, former president of Microsoft’s Windows division and now a VC, has an excellent deep dive on the EU’s Digital Markets Act (...
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Austin Vernon on drones and defense (from my email)
I think they still favor the defensive. On the front line they make movement, hence offense, very difficult. In the strategic sense we’ve ...
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My podcast with Thomas Burnett
Thomas is at the Templeton Foundation, here is the link (with transcript), here is one bit: Tom: … So, I know that you’re a voracious...
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Do current trends in drone technology favor offense or defense?
At first people thought that drones favored defense, since Ukraine, in its war against Russia, was defending successfully with drones.  But ...
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Some triumphs of 19th century liberalism
Here is an outline of part of my lecture.  I presented “free trade” ( NB : it wasn’t totally free), the classical gold standard, and some mo...
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Milei update
The shock therapy administered by Milei and his economy czar Luis Caputo right after the Dec. 10 inauguration is showing results. In a seve...
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Marc Andreessen and I talk AI at an a16z American Dynamism event
a16z has issued the talks from that event , and we are issuing it too, as a bonus episode of CWT.  But note it is shorter than usual, and no...
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Sentences of note
COVID-19 vaccination reduced the risk of post-COVID-19 cardiac and thromboembolic outcomes. These effects were more pronounced for acute CO...
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