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Republicans Are Raging Over Getting Outsmarted By Merrick Garland

Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) raged that Merrick Garland gave them the special counsel that they wanted to investigate Hunter Biden.

Cruz said on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures:

It is camouflage and cover-up. I think it’s disgraceful. David Weiss was a U.S. Attorney hand-picked to lead this investigation who spent the last five years covering it up. David Weiss who was personally selected by the two Democrat senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons has gone to another level to protect Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, David Weiss is the one that is subject to two whistleblower complaints from senior career irs officials that came forward, they said they’d never stated investigation like this in their entire time in law enforcement.

They said the Department of Justice lawyers working for David Weiss protected the Biden family and they gave heads up to Hunter Biden before search warrants were executed presumably so he can hide incriminating evidence, and refused to allow them to ask any questions at all about the big guy, Joe Biden that they were focused on, you could not inquire into president Joe Biden’s personal corruption and the result of all of that is that David Weiss either was an active participant in covering up the criminality and protecting Joe Biden and engaging in and obstruction of justice, that is option one or option two he was not the driver he was complicit he was so weak he could not stop the partisan and main justice from turning it into a political effort to protect Joe Biden.

Video of Cruz:

Sen. Marsha Blackburn went on Fox and she was also really mad, “I think everyone knows that David Weiss is not a prosecutor, he is not a special counsel, he is a collaborator. The sweetheart deal that he had cooked up for Hunter Biden, now they’re going to give him a sweetheart deal with the special counsel and run out the clock. The American people can see through this, and they know what is going on. And Merrick Garland, he owes the American people better than to do something like this.”

Video of Blackburn:

Merrick Garland Outsmarted Republicans By Giving Them Exactly What They Wanted

In September of 2022, more than 30 Republican senators sent a letter to Merrick Garland asking him to name David Weiss special counsel.

The Senators, including Blackburn and Cruz asked Garland to give David Weiss, “special counsel protections and authorities to conduct the investigation into Hunter Biden.”

Republicans were outsmarted by Garland because by doing exactly what they asked for, the Attorney General undercut their claims that the DOJ is a politicized arm of the Biden administration. Cruz and Blackburn were both straining to square the circle and explain how the special counsel that they demanded is now a really bad thing.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer doesn’t think that any new evidence is going to be found by the special counsel, so that means that the sides will likely work out a new plea deal maybe with a couple of new charges thrown in, and we’ll be back to where we were before.

The only difference is that the DOJ will have proven that they aren’t politicized by conducting a special counsel investigation into the President’s son.

Senate Republicans are raging because they have been outsmarted, and they realize that this is the beginning of the end for their Hunter Biden conspiracy theory.
